I Think This Is The Best One, Counters Aging

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I Think This Is The Best One, Counters Aging

Here is some interesting news I have discovered over that last couple of months.

Since I do reviews on products and such I actually have to use the products. Good or Bad, and I must say I am very impressed with Apple Cider Vinegar and Vinegar period. I was skeptical at first but have seen the Light as they say…

Plain Regular Cheap Apple Cider Vinegar I use for your body:

ACV as a rinse after your bath or shower.  1 teaspoon of vinegar in a glass 16 oz. (plastic preferred), just in case you drop it. Pre-Warning NOW!!! Do Not do your head until last. You do not want to open your eyes after pouring the vinegar over your head. It Burns so bad.. LOL… Trust Me I know from experience… I am far from perfect…

No, you will not smell like vinegar the next day. Maybe for 30 minutes after you get out of the shower. Actually it will reduce your body odor. I take my shower right before bed. I feel the vinegar helps me stay cooler at night and sleep better. You ladies going through menopause might want to try this… I am 56 yrs. And I half reduce my nights sweat in half if not more.  I also love the way my skin is so smooth and tight in the morning.

As we age so does our skin unfortunately. I am always looking for ways to improve my overall body these days. It’s like sometimes I wake up and just say “WOW” Really!!!  You’re doing this to me!!! TODAY!!!

My blonde hair started going dirty grey but what I noticed after I started using ACV my hair started to lighten and became softer and thicker.

So what I have found out about Apple Cider Vinegar is that you can drink the organic with the mother in it (I use Bragg’s for that). These are known facts from Bragg’s website. These are just a few things. I will be going in depth in my other articles.http://www.nowlifestyle.com/get_banner_script.php?id=278832&bid=4“>

This is great for heartburn

Thick toe nails due to toe nail fungus

If your nails are brittle, it will strengthen your nails

I think this is the best one, Counters Aging. Along with a good diet and my 7 minute workout I should be spinning the years right off…

There are so many minerals that our bodies need from vinegar. We just are no longer getting them from our food that has been grown in pesticide flooded land and stripped of the minerals the soil had to offer. Now most farms are just a growing base and no more. You are better off growing a garden. Build a green house and grow your own…

Hemorrhoids Problems: Take a cotton ball and gentle apply to the Hemorrhoids. It will sting, but the pain subsides and the Hemorrhoids shrink. You can even get rid of them completely by drinking the Bragg’s ACV w/ “Mother” and that helps tremendously heal you from the inside out. This comes highly recommended to treat this problem.

Stay Tuned for more on vinegar.



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