Ohh My Head and Tummy!!! Are you Hungover?

Here’s to all you Birthday Girls & Guys.
After last nights big event. Is your head feeling a little underwater? Tummy feeling like you are on a boat in the middle of ruff seas? First you want to try some eggs over easy with some of those Pumpkin Rolls toasted. Then “Sound the emergency Alarm” for a remedy… ACV to the Rescue!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar is believed to help the Liver dissolve poisonous matter, like to much alcohol. It also balances the pH levels and tops up any deficiency in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron, which your alcohol soaked body is craving.

When you wake up in the morning just make a delicious cocktail using 16 ounces of water, 2 teaspoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar, and if you need a sweetener, use organic honey, 100% maple syrup, or molasses to taste. If you are diabetic, use the sweet substitute stevia. I recommend you use only distilled water. This “Bragg Healthy Cocktail” is designed to flush out wastes that are clogging the organs of elimination. Make sure you use raw, organic vinegar, never dead, distilled vinegar because the natural enzymes, minerals, and nutrients are destroyed in the distilling process. Any vinegar that is clear and has no “mother” (the strand-like substance in the bottom of the bottle) has no nutritional value. Natural raw vinegar should be pungent, with a rich, brownish color and a visible “mother.”

ENJOY your Party Recovery….

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